Aim & Objectives
- Develop confidence through creativity
- Encouraged inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, making mistakes, and having fun!
Learning Outcomes
- Creative
- Development
- Confidence Booster
- Risk-taking
- Exploring creativity

Process for the Lesson
Having creative confidence is trusting and valuing Creativity is essential to success in any field of work. Creativity is something you practice, not just a talent one is born with.
Experiment: Thirty Circles Exercise
- Provide kids with pen/ pencils and a piece of paper (per person) with 30 blank circles on it of approximately the same size. (Ideally on an A3 or oversized sheet of paper)
- Give them three mins time and asked them to turn as many of the blank circles as possible into recognizable objects.
See the results. Look for the quantity or fluency of ideas. How many kids filled in ten, fifteen, twenty, or more circles? (most kids may not finish all)
- Next, look for diversity or flexibility in ideas. See if the ideas are derivative (a basketball, a baseball, a volleyball) or distinct (a planet, a cookie, a happy face).
- Did anyone “Think Differently” and combine circles (a snowman or a traffic light)? The goal is to push the kids to test their creativity by turning circles into recognizable objects in a very short period.The children are now shown different objects from the museum’s collection that are similar to circular shapes. (Bottles, Drums, Plates, Pots, Mandalas, etc)
- It is a quick lesson about ideation
- balancing two goals: fluency (the speed and quantity of ideas) and flexibility (ideas that are truly different and distinct).
The experiment can be repeated with other shapes as well.Encourage children to create one masterpiece, it can be anything at all! A painting, a write-up, a video, a model anything at all. They can use any medium, depending on the Childs choice. (Do this in the classroom with no parental intervention)
Observe Ask Questions Listen Talk to the child about their MASTERPIECE Ask them questions like:
- how did you make that?
- What was your inspiration/idea?
- What colors did you use?
Praise the process. Instead of telling the child a painting is beautiful, tell him/her what you liked about their process of making it. For example, “Wow! You paid attention to details on that one!”, or “You have so many different shades of blue in this one!”
- How did you make that?
- What was your inspiration/idea?
- What colors did you use?
- Have you seen this type of technique somewhere?