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Knowledge Partner

Centre for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA®) is making teaching an aspirational profession by assessing and certifying the competencies of teachers, connecting them to career opportunities, rewards and recognition, and supporting their professional development. CENTA® equally helps schools and systems attract, develop, grow and retain great teachers. This leads to a virtuous cycle where many more teachers are motivated to improve their competencies and aspiring teachers see this as a valid career option – therefore fundamentally improving the quality of education. Based in India, CENTA® is a Registered Certification Trademark in its home country and is rapidly getting increasing international recognition.

Set up in 2014 and based in India, CENTA® is a Registered Certification Trademark in its home country and is rapidly getting increasing international recognition.

Over last six years, CENTA® has built MyCENTA- an online thriving and rapidly growing community of teachers. CENTA® has developed a well-defined and globally benchmarked competency framework for teachers- CENTA® Standards. CENTA® has received multiple national and international recognitions over the years for its contributions.

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